
Millions of California ballots were simply unused, not ‘unaccounted for,’ experts say

A conservative group opposed to mass voting by mail is using millions of unused ballots in California – one of eight states that conducts all-mail elections — to make a misleading claim.

A recent report by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a group that has been critical of mail voting, said that in California, there were "10 million mail ballots unaccounted for" in the November midterm election. 

California Voter Foundation Receives $100,000 Grant from Craig Newmark Philanthropies to Support the Election Community Network

The California Voter Foundation (CVF) announced today that it has received a $100,000 grant from Craig Newmark Philanthropies to support its continuing leadership of the Election Community Network, a nonpartisan, nationwide collaboration of academic, nonprofit, government and philanthropic leaders working to support and protect U.S. election officials and election administration.

Why is California still counting Election Ballots


The election was over a week ago, but we’re still anxiously awaiting the results of several key races.

The winner of the tight contest for Los Angeles mayor has yet to be determined, and more than three dozen state legislative races remain undecided. As of Tuesday night, six of the nine uncalled U.S. House races were in California.

Perhaps you’re wondering why the Golden State seems to take so long to count ballots. I was, too, so I asked some election experts for their insight.

Monitor Close CA Races & Vote Counts with CVF's Tracking Sheet

Hi Folks,

The November 8th election is behind us but ballot counting continues across California. Many observers are watching the count closely since the balance of power in the House of Representatives is still undecided and several congressional contests in California remain too close to call. In addition, contests for the state legislature, Mayor of Los Angeles and many other local contests across the state remain undecided. 
